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Ode to a Window Cleaner, 2017, HD 2 channel film, 03:09
Ode to a Window Cleaner films a number of window cleaners washing the surface of a 16:9 proportioned piece of glass. The set up- black background, theatrical lighting and the filmic dimensions of the window allows the trade to be appreciated in an aesthetic way. The film focuses on the different rhythms, techniques and painterly gestures of the window cleaners.
Below: Installed at Queen Marys- The Peoples Palace 2017
Below: Installed at The Clarence as part of The Window (Part 1)
Below: Video documentation of live performance Ode to a Window Cleaner at the Nunnery Gallery 2017
This live performance of Ode to a Window Cleaner at the Nunnery Gallery in London continued to focus on rhythms and painterly gestures. The pane of glass in between the performer/window cleaner, and the audience becomes a physical embodiment of the 4th wall which is being cleaned.
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